Thursday, December 09, 2004

Webstats for my blog

The webstats Im getting are unbelievable. I know this is very less compared to the blogs I know, yet I'm impressed. The page load is almost 300 and raising steadily. I even anounced of giving away e-books for visitors who leave comments. Vaishak will get an ebook shortly for leaving a comment. But I wont comment on the content of the comment itself. Also surprised to find that my blog had a few references that came from search engine results. I'm even able to drill down to my visitors gegraphical data, access time, there IP addresses and many such things. Visitors, one request though ... Please leave some comments and messages in the blog... Me getting bored. Also im eager to know if there are any returning visitors whome i do not know personally. I'll be glad to get comments from them. Thats it for now and I think I'm absolutly topic less. Adios till my next mail.


Anonymous said...

D00d I think, the reason you are not getting comments is because Blogger first asks you to sign in in bold letters. a tiny link then tells you to post anonymously.
Moreover,the post comment page takes quite some time to load, why don't you switch to lj or something man?


Elliott said...

Nice poost