Wednesday, March 30, 2005

One major milestone

Actually, my blog has reached its 1000th hit sometime back... And I wont let this major milestone go unnoticed. This blog has stood the test of time ... a long period of almost more than 3 month is over since this blog's inception. So all ye loyal readers who have stuck on patiently, please standup for a round of applause for chandan's Blog. May Chandan and his blog live peacefully forever... Also in my stat counter they hav added this very neat feature, that allows you to lookup the ip address of your visitor to find out about them. This is very useful if you are tracing some one. But well that opens up another major issue, that of privacy. Why do I see the Webstats? Isnt it like intruding on the privacy of my dear visitors? I hope not. Im just doing this out of curiosity ... And there's no commercial intent. And come on, this is only a weblog .. This stat counter has been totally overhauled and re-worked from the ground up. It now gives you the best overall view of how your different keywords are doing. And lets you quickly and easily see which are the ones delivering you the most amount of traffic across each of the search engines. Some one had reached my blog thru a keyword "pics of gilrs in bangalore uncencored". Of all blogs why my blog. No where in my entire blog, hav i mentioned abt gurls. Well crazy search engines.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

When was the last time you did some thing for the First time?

Originally uploaded by Time Machine.

I've decided to raise early in the morning 330am. But as usual it is another wasted effort. Alarm keeps ringing and I keep pressing snooze till it is 7pm. Already getting loaded. And did I here someone saying "What about Chandan's blog?" Let's see. Today I made an effort to ensure that I put in at least a blank post like this one. Or wait a minute; I think I have something to write. Yesterday I learned to play POOL. Not an interesting game altogether. I learnt the basics in the first ten minutes and the next ten minutes was spent on learning, how to hold the cue and hit the ball (Striker or whatever they call it)? Thou, initially it was tough to hit the striker but got hold of the technique by the end of the game. Guess what I won the game. Plz note my opponent was also an amateur. Most of the time we spent posing for my frnds camera trying to portray ourselves as professional players. But as the facts has it, we ended up entertaining the people present there by making the striker fly over the board across the room. Mmmm but as I always say " Its nice to try new things now and then"

Completed things in my TO DO LIST
a. Learnt swimming
b. Tried coracling
c. Learnt canoeing
d. Played Pool, snooker.
e. Camping at night in middle of an uninhabited island.
f. Mountaineering
g. Trekking
h: Stargazing using a powerful telescope.

a. Learn diving
b. Try wild water rafting
c. Para sailing
d. Rock climbing
e. Skydiving
f. Camp in middle of a desert
g. Fly a bi plane
h. Fly a glider
i. Try Bungee Jumping.
j. River crossing

Hmm the list goes on... Mebbe I'll come up with something more worthwhile tomorrow. Till then byebye ..

Monday, March 21, 2005

Yet he cld hav made it master

Few years back I had met this guy and some how he had managed to leave a lasting impression. Not that he was extra ordinary nor i was smitten by his personality. It was because of his unique principle that i often remember and laugh. He never used to remove his hard disk to transfer data. He was against making his hard disk slave. Ya you heard that right, he did not want to make his hard disk a slave. Hmmm What shall I say???

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Blogstreet India

Got Registered today. It is a tool for discovering other blogs which are similar to a blog.For Blog Authors, their Neighborhood is a pool of blogs to track. Treat it as a list of blogs you *should* be knowing about. For Readers, it helps them to find more blogs similar to a blog they have liked.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

NCJ Re-Union

NCJ Re-Union
Originally uploaded by Time Machine.

Once upon a time, so long ago that I no longer remember how long ago, there used to be times when I could find time to blog frequently... But alas, those were the golden days... These are dark times that I live in...And Im busy :-(( Well I had to write this since I had promised my former class mates that I will post this bloglet before monday.

And if you didnt get it, it also implies that Im back to the trainload of work that had piled up over the week. My Exams are nearing. And that means the end terms are close by. That implies my prepration deadlines are threateningly close to me. And its not just easy

We had our NCJ class reunion today and it was nice to see my old class mates and hear there sucess stories. We were eighteen and met at our college(NCJ) and went for lunch at Chandini Chowk at koramangala. A hotel that appeared like a typical bollywood studio with a slightly higher tariff compared to other hotels.

There was this mahidhar (our class topper) who was vividly explaing his theories about brother-brother concept and babies (This concept requiries a huge bloglet that I'll post some time later). Altogether it was nice to have met them after such a long time.

It is now 4:30 in the morning(!!!) and im still up an has become so cruel all of a sudden. Gota go and crash now... Bye for now ... Good night( or is it morning?)

Friday, March 11, 2005


Sunset 1
Originally uploaded by Time Machine.

This pic was captured yesterday with my Nokia 3200 Cam Phone. Also this pic brought max web traffic to my Moblog within one hour after I posted the image. I liked the rays comming out of the cloud. The silhouette of the trees are creating a soothing effect. Nature is all-encompassing, an unending circle of events that touches every life on Earth. As author Rachel Carson revealed, "Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts."

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Corp Presentation

Corp Prez 8
Originally uploaded by Time Machine.

This is me getting prepared for a corporate presentation at our office. Though i've given many presentations this was my first Prez to a group of Europeans. And also the entire responsiality of handling the seminar was on me. This required re organising of our conference room and hiring multimedia projectors.Surprisingly I managed all of this including the designing of the prez in 12 hours. The prez turned out really well. More Pics in my Moblog.