Monday, October 17, 2005

Movie Marathon

List Of movies watched Last week

1. Transporter 2 - ***

Despite some serious flaws, and issues with the plot, "The Transporter 2" is fun, silly, over the top, action film, that contain some truly inventive moments."One scene, involving Frank's on-the-move solution for disarming a bomb under his car,is particularly impressive. Also Frank's serious yet cool attitude is what i liked the most in the movie. I had been to theater and was was worth the money spent.

2. Madagascar - ***

Nice timepass. One song " I like it moving moving" is seriously fun to watch, I replayed the song few times, just to see the animation and the movements that has been cleverly done.

3. Finding Nemo - *****

Must Watch. Nothing more to say.


Praveen said...

woohoo!!! My favorites!!! Boy! I loved Finding Nemo! Infact I do own the DVD.. and dude check out Incredibles too... it has some real cool portions.. and is one big action riot! Madagascar had some really nice numbers from the yesters... Chris has done some good job with the zebra. isn't it? And also watch Shark Tale... its another kewl movie!

Chandan V said...

Incredible falls under one among the best movies I've watched, Yet to watch Sharks tale & robots, I'm planning to watch it this weekend.

Praveen said...

I happened to watch Robots last weekend.. nice co-incidence eh? Boy! I had a lot of fun watching it. It was witty, fun and Robin Williams Rocks!!! Don't miss it!