Monday, May 21, 2007


It so happens that you watch a movie on HBO and felt U should have had watched them on big screen. When you start watching them on big screen they are nothing but crap. I had plans of enjoying a "proper" movie after the disappointment of spider man 3 and I suppose I did. I watched TMNT. Being a CGI lover TMNT was a dose of caffeine at the right time. With some crisp and funny one liners to cool graphics, its simply amazing. As always, the good movies I have watched are on small screen. You ought to watch it in a theater to enjoy the hyper-kinetic camera work and the rather unusual scene setups. Man, I love being a turtle!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Big Race

15 Days to complete, Rs 1000/- to spend, 10 destinations to cover. It'd one heck of a race to remember. What say you ? Savvy ???? I'd love to be in it, Due to professional constraints I'm unable to participate. But I may volunteer. Details are here for those who wish to participate or to volunteer.Have fun.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Updates so far

It has been a long hiatus. As I summarize the events, the things that I remember most prominently are:

Met few interesting people. Learnt new things. Made new friends. Am finding difficulty to spare more time for my friends & family. Needs a bit of planning. All in all it's fun to be with them.

A series of missteps has brought me to the brink of (academic/professional) extinction. I'm working on damage control. It is time I did something before it is too late.

This is the third time in past two months I'm getting a severe throat ache with a slaking rage . I blame this on my life style. No more junk food. There has to be a better way to increase weight.

Had been to pondicherry on an official visit. Loved the place. But was unable to visit any of the beaches due to lack of time. A casual visit to minchinbale dam near mysore road. And a rock climbing session at Savandurga (Asia's tallest monolithic rock). I'm planning visit Savandurga again, but during the night.

Completely switched to linux with ocassional visit to windows while I feel like playing games. Open Suse 10.2 rocks and is a visual delight when compiz is running. It makes vista aero look silly.

Nvidia Geforce FX 6200 128MB. For 1600 bucks it was the best bargain. I can play COD 2 with full resolution and effects. Ripping DVD's are faster and smoother.

Played few levels of God of War 2 on TG's play station. The game is real fun with some cutting edge graphics. Gamers suggest to beg, borrow or steal a console to play the game. It is long time since a game like this has been released. Unfortunately PC version is not released. It does not not matter if u have a graphic card or not as long as game developers feel that PC versions are unnecessary. Its unfair.

I have no idea how, why or when this change happened, but I’m pleased it did. Between the time I write a particular to-do item and am sticking unto it. It feels good when things get done. Thanks Mr.Murphy for not dropping in often

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Back again

Apologies are due for the break in blogging. I’ve always wondered if work could keep one too busy to spend an hour or two a week on blogging, and I know now. It can. Believe me, I didn’t really mean to take a break. And thanks to those who asked. It felt good.